What Blackout Garage Motorsports is All About

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What Blackout Garage Motorsports is All About

We are dedicated to inspiring car enthusiasts from all corners of the automotive world. We take pride in trying to inspire and motivate enthusiasts that are still on the edge of trying to be a do-it-yourselfer. We believe in learning from our fellow peers and passing it forward. Whenever someone new finds themselves wanting to modify and make their car unique, they should know they have plenty of support and wisdom to back them up. Part of this lifestyle includes making mistakes, whether that be a stripped bolt or a bloody knuckle- it is all a learning experience and we consider it the Blackout Garage way. We also would like to highlight the backyard mechanics / SEMA builders because not all of us have a garage to work out of...We simply do the best we can with what we got and that's all that matters.